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عاجل إجراءات مقابلة فيزا التجمع العائلي بالقنصلية الجزائرية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
حياكم الله إخوة وأخوات.أمابعد: بعد البحث في جميع المنتديات والمواقع الإجتماعية.لم أجد موضوع يتكلم عن al enterviw فيما يخص فيزا التجمع العائلي لأمريكا..فمن مر بهده التجربة رجاءا لا يحرمنا من تجربته..والله هده التجارب ساعدتني أنا شخصيا في كثير من الأمور .باقيلي فقط المقابلة..وستكون بعد عيد الأضحى إن شاء الله. .لكن انا مقيم خارج الجزائر .وطلبت منهم تغيير مقر الاقامة إلا أن nvc لم يستجيبوا لرسائلي ولا أدري هل مقابلتي ستكون في الجزائر ام في البلد الذي اقيم فيه. .فمن فضلكم إخوتي من مر على مقابلة فيزا لم الشمل لأمريكا في الجزائر يفدنا وله جزيل الشكر والدعاء في ظهر الغيب
زن من وزنك بما وزنك وما وزنك به فزنه
من جا إليك فرح إليه. ومن جفاك فصدعنه
من ظن انك دونه. فاترك هواه اذن وهنه
وارجع إلى رب العباد فكل مايأتيك منه

ولا واحد جاوبني . ماكان حتى واحد جوز المقابلة تاع فيزا لم الشمل في الجزائر؟..جاوبوني بارك الله فيكم.الدال على الخير كفاعله
زن من وزنك بما وزنك وما وزنك به فزنه
من جا إليك فرح إليه. ومن جفاك فصدعنه
من ظن انك دونه. فاترك هواه اذن وهنه
وارجع إلى رب العباد فكل مايأتيك منه

السلام عليكم. ياخاوتي ماكان حتى واحد جاز مقابلة فيزا cr1؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
زن من وزنك بما وزنك وما وزنك به فزنه
من جا إليك فرح إليه. ومن جفاك فصدعنه
من ظن انك دونه. فاترك هواه اذن وهنه
وارجع إلى رب العباد فكل مايأتيك منه

درك نشوفلك شفت عدة مواضيع من قبل

التوقيع: اي رسالة على الخاص سوف يتم  تجاهلها ماعدا الادارة حتى يستفيد الجميع لنتناقش في المواضبع وشكرا.قناتي على موقع ياكولاين  

بارك الله فيك خويا رضا
زن من وزنك بما وزنك وما وزنك به فزنه
من جا إليك فرح إليه. ومن جفاك فصدعنه
من ظن انك دونه. فاترك هواه اذن وهنه
وارجع إلى رب العباد فكل مايأتيك منه

1. Who is the Petitioner?
2. Where did you meet your wife?
3. Do you speak to many woman online?
4. What language does the petitioner speak?
5. How long have you known your wife?
6. Have you been married before? Do you have any children?
7. Has your wife been married before? Does she have any children?
8. What College your wife attended?
9. Which subjects has your WIFE studied?
10. How many times has your wife visited Morocco?
11. How long was each visit?
12. What's your wife full name?
13. Has she used any other names?
14. How many times have you met?
15. When and how did you meet?
16. When was the last time you were together?
17. How long have you known each other?
18. How long were you together the last time?
19. How long were you together any other time(s)?
20. What are the dates of the visits?
21. What have you done when your WIFE came?
22. Where did you go?
23. Where does your WIFE live? Which city and state?
24. What does your WIFE do for a living?
25. Where does your WIFE work?
26. What is your Wife’s phone number?
27. Do you know how long your WIFE has had this job?
28. Did you have a wedding ceremony?
29. Please describe your wedding ceremony.
30. Questions about the pictures; when, where and who.
31. Where will you live?
32. Have you met your Wife’s family?
33. Where does your Wife’s parents live?
34. How do you communicate with your WIFE?
35. How do you keep in touch?
36. What language do you use to communicate with your WIFE?
37. How many times do you and your WIFE talk on the phone each month?
38. Do you want children?
39. What does your family think about your marriage?
40. Do you love your WIFE?
41. What do you love about your WIFE?
42. Does your WIFE own or rent their home?
43. What is the address?
44. How long has your wife lived in Florida?
45. How much does your WIFE earn?
46. Write your Wife’s full name.
47. Have you ever been to the US?
48. Do you have any relatives/friends in the US?
49. Where do they live?
50. When did her mother died?
51. Does your WIFE have any brothers or sisters?
52. What are their names?
53. How old is he?
54. what does he do for a living?
55. where does he live?
56. how come there is no letter of intent on his behalf
57. What are your Wife’s hobbies and interests?
58. What are your hobbies and interests?
59. What do you have in common?
60. Do you know if your WIFE was married before?
61. How many times?
62. When did your WIFE divorce?
63. What is your wife ex husband name?
64. Why did they divorce?
65. Does your wife have any children?
66. What is her name?
67. How old is she?
68. When is her birthday?
69. What grade is she in?
70. What year was she born?
71. What does she call you?
72. Have you spoken to her?
73. How do you get along with your Wife’s child?
74. What is your Wife’s religious background?
75. Does your WIFE speak and understand your language?
76. Why do you want to come to the United States?
77. How old is your WIFE?
78. What is your Wife’s birth date?
79. Where was your WIFE born?
80. Do you speak and understand your Wife’s native language?
81. What do you do for a living?
82. What do you plan to do once you are in the US?
83. Do you plan to work in the US?
84. Do you plan to study in the US?
85. What company does your Wife’s work for and what is their title?
86. What is your Wife’s favorite food?
87. Where did your WIFE work in the past and for how long?
88. What color are your Wife’s eyes?
89. What color is your Wife’s hair?
90. Did you prepare the forms yourself?
91. Have you been in the military?
92. Who is the petitioner?
93. Please tell me more about your WIFE.
94. Do you plan to stay in the U.S. forever?
95. What made you decide to use the internet to find a WIFE?
96. How long has your WIFE been working for Atlantic Broadband?
97. When did you marry?
98. When was your wedding ceremony?
99. Who was there?
100. Was any of her family there?
101. Why weren't they there?
102. What is your religion?
103. Were you talking to a lot of women on the Internet?
104. What do you and your WIFE talk about on the phone?
105. Will you be a good parent to your Wife’s child?
106. Have you ever left Morocco?
107. For how long?
108. Why did you leave?
109. What did your wife love more here in Morocco?
110. Have you ever applied for a US Visa?
111. When did you apply?
112. Who was the petitioner?
113. What happened with the previous relationship?
بالطبع هذه جميع الأسئلة الممكنة و لا يشترط طرحها كلها لقيتها موجدة في أحد المواقع ربي يوفقك أخي
إذا كنت في نعمة فارعها
فإن الذنوب تزيل النعم
و حطها بطاعة رب العباد
فرب العباد سريع النقم
و إياك و الظلم مهما استطعت
فظلم العباد شديد الوخم
و سافر بقلبك بين الورى
لتبصر أثار من قد ظلم.

جزاك الله خيرا أخي. ووفقك الله في ايجاد زوجة صالحة تقر بها عينك
زن من وزنك بما وزنك وما وزنك به فزنه
من جا إليك فرح إليه. ومن جفاك فصدعنه
من ظن انك دونه. فاترك هواه اذن وهنه
وارجع إلى رب العباد فكل مايأتيك منه

هذي هي الدعوة لي تفتح الشهية ههههه ربي يبارك فيك و يوفقك و.يسمعنا عليك أخبار الخير قريبا ان شاء الله.
إذا كنت في نعمة فارعها
فإن الذنوب تزيل النعم
و حطها بطاعة رب العباد
فرب العباد سريع النقم
و إياك و الظلم مهما استطعت
فظلم العباد شديد الوخم
و سافر بقلبك بين الورى
لتبصر أثار من قد ظلم.

امين اخي واياك..راني نكثر لكم من هذا الدعاء باش ماشي غير الشهية تنفتح. باش كل ابواب الخير تنفتح.. المرأةالصالحة ان لم تكن هي الدنيا كلها فهي نصفها...الله يزوجكم الله يزوجكم الله يزوجكم
زن من وزنك بما وزنك وما وزنك به فزنه
من جا إليك فرح إليه. ومن جفاك فصدعنه
من ظن انك دونه. فاترك هواه اذن وهنه
وارجع إلى رب العباد فكل مايأتيك منه

المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
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